Open Sources
I grow using open sources. So, as thanks, I also created open sources to give them back to the society.
Mobile Apps
I love mobile apps. Everyone loves mobile apps. But currently, I only built android apps. I hope I can get a Macbook soon to develop iOS app.
Easy to develop, Easy to market. I use Laravel, React, Tailwind stack for SaaS, I use WordPress for super rapid web development. I also a super fan of Vue.
What? Articles are also considered as portfolios right? or no…
Ideas will grow if written, and will gone if not.
I also share my thoughts on videos. Youtube and Reels are my main channels. It’s fun to teach, helps the world reduce its stupidity. Uhm, actually, I shared my stupidity.
Of course, most of my projects are cr*ps. But, these cr*ps make me grow, make me learn, make me better.